Want To Figure Out When Is The Best Time To Ship Your Container Load Of Household Goods And Personal Effects To Barbados? Do This


You’ve purchased a property in Barbados, or you’ve chosen to relocate there, and plan on shipping a container load of household goods and personal effects to outfit your new home. You have an idea of when your property will be ready to receive your items and hence a general idea of when you would ideally like your goods to be on island. So when should you ship? Should the time it takes your container to travel from your home country to Barbados be your only consideration?

These tips will help you choose a shipping schedule that best suits your needs and will teach you how to minimize your risk of incurring punitive port and shipping line fees.



Importing Personal Effects And Household Goods Into Barbados (Non-Nationals)

If you're a non-national relocating to Barbados, we have you covered. In this article we explain what you need to know about bringing your personal effects and household goods to Barbados.


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